Mónica Vanessa T.
8052 Graz Wetzelsdorf
Ab €10
Details zu Mónica Vanessa
29 Jahre alt
My name is Monica and I am 28 years old. I am currently studying in Graz and during my free time I am looking for work. I have experience with dogs and cats, how to take them for a walk, feed them, keep them company or play with them, always giving them their time to get to know them and get to know what they like and what their needs are. For any additional questions do not hesitate to write me!
Erfahren im Umgang mit
Mittelgroße Hunde: 10-20 kg
Services und Preise
Preis pro Auftrag
Tägliches Füttern
€10 / Besuch
Täglicher Auslauf
€10 / Spaziergang
€25 / Nacht
€20 / Tag