Taiwo James O.
1230 Wien Liesing
Ab €10
Details zu Taiwo James
43 Jahre alt
I am a mature student, I ca be very caring, I like people around me to be happy, and well taken care of, I like to care for people in need and the needy, I make sure the aged around me are cared for, it is one of my priority. Actually, I am interested in people's welfare generally. In actual fact, I try to optimize, prioritize and actualize the welfare and wellbeing of people around me, particularly, the elderly. If you search for me on the internet, you will find my several articles and academic articles about the welfare of and for the elderly in Nigeria.
Zubereitung von Mahlzeiten
Körperpflege (z.B. waschen, anziehen)
Besorgungen / Einkäufe erledigen
Erfahrung mit Behinderungen