Deutsch-Nachhilfe in Floridsdorf

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Maria Magdalena R.
Maria Magdalena Premium
  • Ab 15 /h
  • Floridsdorf
19 1 Verifizierung 4-mal eingestellt
Ich war 30 Jahre lang Volksschullehrerin. Ich bin fitte 60, Autofahrerin und verfüge über reiche Erfahrung. Biete auch Lerntraining, Lernmethoden und Legastheniebetreuung an. Über eine Nachricht würde ich mich freuen.
Lena has been helping our family for 8-12 hours a week for about a year, since our son was three months old. Lena brought a lot of warmth, smiles, kindness, and care to our family. Lena's voice smiles. Lena has been very attentive to the needs of our son but she has also been very attentive to other needs in our home such as laundry, cooking, and tidying up. Lena has been very reliable and trustworthy. Having Lena around has been good team work and hugely helpful."
... "Mehr
  Hjørdis C.
Wussten Sie schon?
Der durchschnittliche Stundenlohn für Deutschlehrer liegt in Floridsdorf zwischen €16 und €20.
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