Babysitter in Neubau

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Memory M.
  • Ab 10 /h
  • Neubau
Experienced babysitter and Au-pair
| l am very patient and understanding when it comes to kids, l know how to play with children very well. As an Au pair I took care of 2 kids 5 years old (boy) and 9 years old(girl).I cooked, cleaned, shower the kids, take them to school and bring them back, playing with them and taking them to bed, folding the kids laundry and changing bed linen. After that my contract with them l become an Au pair for another family with 3 kids, twin girls aged 4 and a boy aged 6, I cooked, cleaned the house, take the kids to school and bring them back, going for ballet classes with the girls, taking the boy to karate classes and tennis classes, going to the park with them, l was the housekeeper and their babysitter.
Always on time (even early for the first test clean - which allowed for detailed instructions). You know you've found a good one when the sofa is fully extended to clean hard-to-reach areas! Don't be afraid to ask questions for clarification. Communication/contact is always good. Appointments are always honoured. Very thorough in her work. Highly recommended. Immer pünktlich (sogar früh für die erste Probereinigung – was detaillierte Anweisungen ermöglichte). Sie wissen, dass Sie einen guten Reiniger gefunden haben, wenn das Sofa vollständig ausgefahren ist, um schwer zugängliche Stellen zu reinigen! Keine Angst, Fragen zur Klärung zu stellen. Kommunikation/Kontakt ist immer gut. Termine werden immer wahrgenommen. Sehr gründlich in ihrer Arbeit. Sehr empfehlenswert."
... "Mehr
  Martin H.
Wussten Sie schon?
Der durchschnittliche Stundenlohn für Babysitting liegt in Neubau zwischen €12 und €16.
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